SAP Java監視


SAP Javaサーバーは、SAP NetWeaver Application ServerとSAP Web Application Serverの重要なコンポーネントであり、SAP製品のWebアプリケーションサーバーとして機能します。
Applications ManagerのSAP Java監視ツールを使うと、SAPサーバーのパフォーマンスを一目で把握することができます。

SAP Javaサーバー監視新規作成

前提条件: こちら

REST APIを使用した、監視の新規作成方法: こちら

以下の手順で 監視を作成します。

  1. [新規監視]→[新規監視の追加]をクリック
  2. ERPカテゴリの[SAP Java]を選択
  3. SAP Javaの[表示名]を指定
  4. SAP Javaが実行されているホストの[ホスト名/IPアドレス]を入力
  5. SAP Javaが実行されている[ポート]を入力(デフォルトは50004)
  6. [J2EEクラスターノード名]を指定
  7. 認証情報の詳細を指定
  8. ポーリング間隔を分単位で指定(デフォルトは5分)
  9. SAP Java監視を関連付ける監視グループを検索欄のドロップダウンから選択(任意項目)
  10. [監視の追加]をクリック
    ネットワークからSAP Javaが検出され、監視が開始されます。


[監視]タブをクリックして、[監視]カテゴリビューに移動します。「データベースサーバー」セクションで「  」をクリックします。

  • [可用性]タブ:最新24時間または30日間の可用性履歴がわかります。
  • [パフォーマンス]タブ:最新24時間または30日間のステータスとイベントを確認可能です。
  • [リストビュー]タブ:一括管理設定を実行できます。

リストされている個々の監視をクリックすると、次の情報が表示されます。  監視で監視されるメトリクスのリストは次のとおりです。


Parameters Description
External IO
Average RFC IO (in bytes) The average number of bytes which are transferred in the external RFC communication.
Average WebService IO (in bytes) The average number of bytes which are transferred in the external Web Service communication.
Average Time
Average RFC Time (in seconds) The average RFC time.
Average WebService Time (in seconds) The average Web Service Time.
External Calls
External RFC Calls Rate The number of external RFC calls.
External WebService Calls Rate The number of external Web Service calls.
Disk Space
Total Disk Space (in GB) The total disk space in the directory of each instance.
Free Disk Space (in %) The free disk space available in working directory or partition for each instance.
Free Disk Space (in GB) The free disk space available on your system.


Parameters Description
Threads Pool
Thread Pool Usage (in %) The ratio of Active threads count to Maximum pool size.
Waiting Tasks Usage (in %) The ratio of current size of the waiting tasks queue to the maximum configured size.
License Validity Period Number of days left for the validity to expire for all the available software products.


Parameters Description
Failed To Start Applications Rate The number of applications that failed to start.
HTTP Provider
Number of Requests Rate The number of all requests since the server startup.
Not Started VPs Count Rate The number of Virtual Providers which are not started currently in the cluster.
Thread Usage The ratio of current number of threads processing JMX notifications to number of the maximum threads.
NotificationQueue Size The current number of JMX notifications waiting to be sent.
Cache Fill Rate The ratio of number of currently cached object names to the maximum size of the cache.

Messages and Logs

Parameters Description
All Messages The total number of all log and trace messages.
Error Messages The number of messages with ERROR severity.
Fatal Messages The number of messages with FATAL severity.
Warning Messages The number of messages with WARNING severity.
Total Log Files Size The total size of all log and trace files excluding archives.


Parameters Description
Available Memory (in MB) The current, maximum and minimum values of the available memory.
Allocated Memory (in MB) The current, maximum and minimum values of the allocated memory.
Used Memory (in MB) The current, maximum and minimum values of the used memory.
Usage The ratio between the used memory and the total memory of the process.
Allocated Memory (in %) The current, maximum and minimum values of the allocated memory.
Used Memory (in %) The current, maximum and minimum values of the used memory.


Parameters Description
Session Manager
Active Web Sessions The number of active Web sessions.
Opened EJB Sessions The number of opened EJB sessions.
Opened Security Sessions The number of opened security sessions.
Opened Web Sessions The number of opened web sessions.
Logged-In Users The number of logged-in users.
Unsuccessful Logon Attempts Rate The number of unsuccessful logon attempts since server startup.
Estimated Frequency Per Minute The count of timeout events per minute.
Web Container
Average Processing Time Average value of the request processing time for given time interval.