Firewall Analyzerが生成するREST APIキーを使用し、サードパーティ製のITソフトウェアとの統合利用を実現します。
Firewall Analyzerにログイン後、画面右上の[歯車アイコン]→[REST APIキー]画面でAPIキーの確認および再作成を行います。
- ダッシュボード
- インベントリ
- アラート
- レポート(カスタムレポート)
- レポート(FWAレポート)
- レポート(スケジュールリスト)
- レポート(レポートフィルター)
- レポート(レポートタイプ)
- コンプライアンス(ルール管理)
- コンプライアンス(コンプライアンス)
- コンプライアンス(変更管理)
- コンプライアンス(セキュリティ監査)
- コンプライアンス(一般)
- 検索
- 設定(syslogサーバー)
- 設定(接続診断)
- 設定(可用性アラート)
- 設定(装置情報)
- 設定(アーカイブファイル)
- 設定(レポートカスタマイズ)
- 設定(装置グループ)
- 設定(データ保存)
- 設定(ライセンス管理)
- 設定(アーカイブ暗号化)
- 設定(シミュレーション)
- 設定(プロトコルグループ)
- 設定(業務時間)
- 設定(DNS)
- 設定(イントラネット)
- 設定(リポジトリ)
- 設定(除外ホスト)
- 設定(ユーザー名-IPマッピング)
- 設定(除外条件)
- 設定(チェックポイント)
- 設定(ログファイルのインポート)
- 設定(装置ルール)
- 設定(認証プロファイル)
- 設定(アラートプロファイル)
- 設定(SNMP設定)
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getWidgetsList | GET | Fetches all widgets available in the given dashboard | apiKey - API Key to access your FirewallAnalyzer server. dashboardName - dashboard ID. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/getWidgetsList?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&dashboardName=dashboardoverview |
getWidgetData | GET | Displays the data present in the given widget | apiKey - API Key to access your FirewallAnalyzer server. widgetID - Widget ID |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/getWidgetData?apiKey=83155f195334a19df5e58a8a33a6f804&widgetID=255 |
getDashboardList | GET | Fetches all available dashboards | apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server. | http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/getDashboardList?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f |
getReportData | GET | To get the data for the reports. | reportName - Name of the report. RBBNAME - Name of the report Building block. reportParams - Parameters in the report(in json object format). type - Type of the report. _search - Whether search is done or not. nd - rows - No of rows. page - Page number sortByColumn - Based on which column is the data sorted. sortByType - Whether the sorting is in ascending order or descending order. snapType - Type of the snapshot. title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc. value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc. title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc. value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc. exportFWAV2WidData - Exporting v2 widget data or not. pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised. reportTitle - Title for the report. userLocale - The locale of the user. pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget. value - To determine the drilldown. mail - To check if mail option is added in widget. csv - To check if csv option is added in widget. exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not. fromEmailid - Sender email ID toEmailid - Receiver email ID emailSubject - Subject for the email message - message for the email |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getReportData?reportName=FTP+Protocol+Group+Top+Hosts+-+Sent&reportParams=%7B%22applyTimeCriteria%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22wrapperType%22%3A%22table%22%2C%22layout%22%3A%221%22%2C%22isRptTab%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22resolvedns%22%3Afalse%2C%22reportId%22%3A%223%22%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%2C%22linkingRBBG%22%3A31%2C%22rowCount%22%3A%225%22%7D&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getCompleteData | GET | To get the complete report and other drilldown related datas. | reportName - Name of the report. RBBNAME - Name of the report building block.(eg : Top Protocols for Sender) reportParams - The parameters for the report. type - Type of the report. _search - Whether the report is based on search or not. nd - rows - Total number of rows. page - Total number of pages. sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done. sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order. timeFrame - The timeframe for which the report has been selected. startDate - The start date and time for the report generated. endDate - The end date and time for the report generated. pdf - Type of the report generated. resolvedns - Whether the dns has been resolved or not. wrapperType - Type of the wrapper used. applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not. rid - Resource ID. selColId - Selected Collector ID. snapType - Type of the snapshot taken. title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc. value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc. title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc. value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc. exportFWAV2WidData - Exporting v2 widget data or not. pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised. reportTitle - Title for the report. reportSubTitle - SubTitle for the report. userLocale - The locale of the user. expand - Whether it is expanded or not. pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget. value - To determine the drilldown. url - Url of the requet. mail - To check if mail option is added in widget. csv - To check if csv option is added in widget. exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not. fromEmailid - Sender email ID toEmailid - Receiver email ID emailSubject - Subject for the email message - message for the email ifCrit - Interface Criteria pGroup - Protocol Group ATTACK - Attack parameters. clientType - Type of the client bwUsageType - Bandwidth Usage Type. eventType - Type of the event. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getCompleteData?reportParams=%7B%22RBBNAME%22%3A%22Top+Protocols+for+Sent+Protocol+Group%22%2C%22rid%22%3A%22all%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22Unassigned%22%2C%22applyTimeCriteria%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22resolvedns%22%3Afalse%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%7D&_search=false&nd=1547044166668&rows=50&page=1&sortByColumn=Starton&sortByType=desc&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
showWidgets | GET | Display all available widgets in a dashboard | apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server. | http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/showWidgets?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f |
listCCTVView | GET | Lists all the CCTV views | apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server. | http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/listCCTVView?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f |
getDashBoardsForCCTV | GET | Get dashboards for the given CCTV view | apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server. cctvID - cctv ID. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/getDashBoardsForCCTV?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&cctvID=1 |
getCCTVView | GET | Gets CCTV view widgets/dashboards | apiKey - API Key to access your Firewall Analyzer server. cctvID - cctv ID. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/dashboard/getCCTVView?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&cctvID=1 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getFWAInterfaceBandwidthData | GET | To get the interface/device bandwidth data | interfaceID - Interface id rid - resource id resType - Resource Type graphType - Type of graph graphUnit - Unit of the graph pdf - whether it is pdf or not reportName - Name of the reports startDate - Starting time endDate - Ending time expand - Whether it is expanded view or not snapType - Type of the snapshot. title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc. value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc. title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc. value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc. exportFWAV2WidData - Exporting v2 widget data or not. pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised. reportTitle - Title for the report. userLocale - The locale of the user. exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not. fromEmailid - Sender email ID toEmailid - Receiver email ID emailSubject - Subject for the email message - message for the email mail - To check if mail option is added in widget. csv - To check if csv option is added in widget. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/v2/livetraffic/getFWAInterfaceBandwidthData?interfaceID=25&graphType=bothInAndOut&graphUnit=Kbps&pdf=pdf&reportName=today&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getInterfaceList | GET | Get the list of the interfaces | advancedFilters - Set of filters chosen. rid - resource id timeFrame - selected timeFrame startDate - Start date according to the time period selected.Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm endDate - End date according to the time period selected. Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/livetraffic/getInterfaceList?rid=2&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getUnknownIdentifiers | GET | To get unknown protocols from the device. | reportId - Id of the report. applyTimeCriteria - The time period selected. startDate - Start date according to the time period selected.Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm endDate - End date according to the time period selected. Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm hitsCount - Number of hits. value - Value of the Identifiers. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwadashboard/getUnknownIdentifiers?reportId=1202&applyTimeCriteria=true&startDate=2018-12-03+10%3A09&endDate=2018-12-03+11%3A09&hitsCount=0&value=Fortigate1-FW&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getFWAInventoryDeviceList | GET | To get the device list in inventory tab. | vendor - Vendor for the devices. resType - Type of the devices added. advancedFilters - Any filters that are added. timeFrame - Timeframe selected startDate - Value for the starting time. endDate - Value for the ending time. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getFWAInventoryDeviceList?advancedFilters=%7B%7D&timeFrame=today&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDeviceDetails | GET | To get the details for the selected device | rid - Resource ID | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getDeviceDetails?rid=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getFWAInventoryTabs | GET | To get the tabs in the inventory | timeFrame - Selected timeframe. startDate - Starting date for the selected timeframe. endDate - Ending date for the selected timeframe |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getFWAInventoryTabs?timeFrame=7Days&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getResourcesList | GET | To get the list of resources. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getResourcesList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getCloudTabList | GET | To get the details for the cloud tab in inventory page. | advancedFilters - The selected filters in the cloud page. timeFrame - Selected timeframe. startDate - Starting Date for the selected timeframe. endDate - Ending date for the selected timeframe. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getCloudTabList?advancedFilters=%7B%7D&timeFrame=7Days&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getUserTabList | GET | To get the details for the users tab in inventory page. | advancedFilters - The selected filters in the users page. timeFrame - Selected Timeframe startDate - Starting date for the selected timeframe. endDate - Ending date for the selected timeframe. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getUserTabList?advancedFilters=%7B%7D&timeFrame=7Days&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getRuleTabList | GET | To get the details for the rules tab in inventory page. | advancedFilters - The selected filters in the Rules page. timeFrame - Selected Timeframe startDate - Starting date for the selected timeframe. endDate - Ending date for the selected timeframe. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getRuleTabList?advancedFilters=%7B%7D&timeFrame=7Days&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getCompleteData** | GET | To get the complete report and other drilldown related datas. | reportName - Name of the report. RBBNAME - Name of the report building block.(eg : Top Protocols for Sender) reportParams - The parameters for the report. type - Type of the report. _search - Whether the report is based on search or not. nd - rows - Total number of rows. page - Total number of pages. sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done. sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order. timeFrame - The timeframe for which the report has been selected. startDate - The start date and time for the report generated. endDate - The end date and time for the report generated. pdf - Type of the report to be generated. resolvedns - Whether the dns has been resolved or not. wrapperType - Type of the wrapper used. applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not. rid - Resource ID. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getCompleteData?reportParams=%7B%22RBBNAME%22%3A%22Top+Protocols+for+Sent+Protocol+Group%22%2C%22rid%22%3A%22all%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22Unassigned%22%2C%22applyTimeCriteria%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22resolvedns%22%3Afalse%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%7D&_search=false&nd=1547044166668&rows=50&page=1&sortByColumn=Starton&sortByType=desc&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDrilldownReportList** | GET | To get the drill down details for the reports. | url - url for the drill down. pGroup - protocol group clientType - Type of the client bwUsageType - Bandwidth usage type. eventType - Type of the event. reportParams - The parameters to be added to generate the drill down report. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getDrilldownReportList?pGroup=FTP&reportParams=%7B%22linkingRBBG%22%3A30%2C%22value%22%3A%22172.16.2.119%22%2C%22reportId%22%3A%2265%22%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%7D&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDeviceSummary | GET | To get the summary of the device. | rid - Resource ID pdf - Type of the report being exported. snapshotName - Name of the snapshot. snapType - Type of the snapshot. timeFrame - Time frame selected for which the data is shown. startDate - The starting date from which the data is displayed. endDate - The ending date upto which the data is displayed. speedType - Type of the speed unit which is selected. title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc. value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc. title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc. value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc. exportFWAV2WidData - Exporting v2 widget data or not. pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised. reportTitle - Title for the report. userLocale - The locale of the user. pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget. exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not. fromEmailid - Sender email ID toEmailid - Receiver email ID emailSubject - Subject for the email message - message for the email mail - To check if mail option is added in widget. csv - To check if csv option is added in widget. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getDeviceSummary?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213&rid=1&snapshotName=FWAFirewall&snapType=FirewallDevice |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
listAlarms | GET | To list the alarms that have been raised. | deviceName - name of the device. severity - The severity of the alarm raised. category - The category selected based on which the alarms are displayed. period - Alarms raised for the particular time period. entity - The entity or profile for which the alarms are raised. alarmCode - Alarm code specified for the alarm. eventType - Type of the event alertType - Type of the alarm. fromTime - The starting time range that is selected. toTime - The Ending time range that is selected. isFromIPSLA - To check whether the alarm is raised from IPSLA module. monitorType - Type of the monitor for which the alarm has been raised. probeId - The Id of the probe. limit - Limit for the number of alarms. pageNumber - The current page number that is shown. isAcknowledge - Has the alarm been acknowledged or not. sortByCategory- The alarms are sorted based on category or not. page - The current page number that is displayed. rows - Maximum number of alarms displayed per page. isNotes - Whether any notes is present for the alarm or not. _search - Whether search action is performed or not. nd - probeName - Name of the probe. fromNFA - Whether the alarm has been raised from NFA module. isVirtualEntity - Whether the entity is virtual or not. showHWAlarms- Whether HWalarms is enabled or not. filters - The search string that is given when performing search action. sortByColumn - Column based on which the alarms are sorted. sortByType - The sort type whether the alarms are displayed in ascending or descending order. collOpt - The collector for the alarm has been raised. isFluidic - Whether the alarm is of type fluidic or not. isWebclient - Whether the alarm has been raised by webclient or not. timeFrame - The time period selected for which the alarms have been raised. DateRange - The Dates selected for which the alarms have been raised. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/alarm/listAlarms?isFluidic=true&isWebclient=true&alertType=ActiveAlarms&sortByCategory=true&isNotes=true&_search=false&nd=1557835535125&rows=100&page=1&sortByColumn=modTime&sortByType=desc&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
alarmProperties | GET | To get the properties for the alarm | entity - Name of the entity/profile for which the alarm has been raised. alarmSpecific - Whether it is alarm specific or not. deviceID - The ID of the device for which the alarm has been raised. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/alarm/alarmProperties?entity=testalert_5&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getAlertDetails | GET | To get the alarm details | auditId - Id of the alarm. Alert_type - Type of the alert. entity - Name of the entity/profile for which the alarm was raised. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaalarms/getAlertDetails?auditId=167&Alert_type=Normal%20Alert&entity=cxz_328&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getAlarmActions | GET | To get the list of actions for the particular alarm | entity - Name of the entity/profile for which the alarm was raised. | http://localhost:8060/api/json/alarm/getAlarmActions?isFluidic=true&entity=testalert_5&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
addNotes | POST | To add the required notes for an alarm | entity - Name of the entity/profile for which the alarm was raised. notes - The notes that have been added for the alarm. type - Type of the alarm for which the note has been added. isFluidic - Whether the alarm is fluidic or not. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/alarm/addNotes?isFluidic=true&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getReportProfiles | GET | To get the report profiles configured. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getReportProfiles?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getMyReportData | GET | To get the data of specific report. | reportId - Report ID rbbgId - reportbuildingblock group ID. rType - Report type |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getMyReportData?reportId=3&rbbgId=65&rType=MyRep&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDrilldownReportList | GET | To get the drill down details for the reports. | url - url for the drill down. pGroup - protocol group clientType - Type of the client bwUsageType - Bandwidth usage type. eventType - Type of the event. reportParams - The parameters to be added to generate the drill down report. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getDrilldownReportList?pGroup=FTP&reportParams=%7B%22linkingRBBG%22%3A30%2C%22value%22%3A%22172.16.2.119%22%2C%22reportId%22%3A%2265%22%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%7D&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getCompleteData | GET | To get the complete report and other drilldown related datas. | reportName - Name of the report. RBBNAME - Name of the report building block.(eg : Top Protocols for Sender) reportParams - The parameters for the report. type - Type of the report. _search - Whether the report is based on search or not. nd - rows - Total number of rows. page - Total number of pages. sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done. sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order. timeFrame - The timeframe for which the report has been selected. startDate - The start date and time for the report generated. endDate - The end date and time for the report generated. pdf - Type of the report generated. resolvedns - Whether the dns has been resolved or not. wrapperType - Type of the wrapper used. applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not. rid - Resource ID. selColId - Selected Collector ID. snapType - Type of the snapshot taken. title1 - Type of the device. value1 - Name of the device. title2 - Type of the interface. value2 - Name of the interface. exportFWAV2WidData - Exporting v2 widget data or not. pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised. reportTitle - Title for the report. reportSubTitle - SubTitle for the report. userLocale - The locale of the user. expand - Whether it is expanded or not. pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget. value - To determine the drilldown. url - Url of the requet. mail - To check if mail option is added in widget. csv - To check if csv option is added in widget. exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not. fromEmailid - Sender email ID toEmailid - Receiver email ID emailSubject - Subject for the email message - message for the email ifCrit - Interface Criteria pGroup - Protocol Group ATTACK - Attack parameters. clientType - Type of the client bwUsageType - Bandwidth Usage Type. eventType - Type of the event. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getCompleteData?reportParams=%7B%22RBBNAME%22%3A%22Top+Protocols+for+Sent+Protocol+Group%22%2C%22rid%22%3A%22all%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22Unassigned%22%2C%22applyTimeCriteria%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22resolvedns%22%3Afalse%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%7D&_search=false&nd=1547044166668&rows=50&page=1&sortByColumn=Starton&sortByType=desc&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getReportData | GET | To get the data for the reports. | reportName - Name of the report. RBBNAME - Name of the report Building block. reportParams - Parameters in the report(in json object format). type - Type of the report. _search - Whether search is done or not. nd - rows - No of rows. page - Page number sortByColumn - Based on which column is the data sorted. sortByType - Whether the sorting is in ascending order or descending order. snapType - Type of the snapshot. title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc. value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc. title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc. value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc. exportFWAV2WidData - Exporting v2 widget data or not. pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised. reportTitle - Title for the report. userLocale - The locale of the user. pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget. value - To determine the drilldown. mail - To check if mail option is added in widget. csv - To check if csv option is added in widget. exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not. fromEmailid - Sender email ID toEmailid - Receiver email ID emailSubject - Subject for the email message - message for the email |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getReportData?reportName=FTP+Protocol+Group+Top+Hosts+-+Sent&reportParams=%7B%22applyTimeCriteria%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22wrapperType%22%3A%22table%22%2C%22layout%22%3A%221%22%2C%22isRptTab%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22resolvedns%22%3Afalse%2C%22reportId%22%3A%223%22%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%2C%22linkingRBBG%22%3A31%2C%22rowCount%22%3A%225%22%7D&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getCompleteData | GET | To get the complete report and other drilldown related datas. | reportName - Name of the report. RBBNAME - Name of the report building block.(eg : Top Protocols for Sender) reportParams - The parameters for the report. type - Type of the report. _search - Whether the report is based on search or not. nd - rows - Total number of rows. page - Total number of pages. sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done. sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order. timeFrame - The timeframe for which the report has been selected. startDate - The start date and time for the report generated. endDate - The end date and time for the report generated. pdf - Type of the report generated. resolvedns - Whether the dns has been resolved or not. wrapperType - Type of the wrapper used. applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not. rid - Resource ID. selColId - Selected Collector ID. snapType - Type of the snapshot taken. title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc. value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc. title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc. value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc. exportFWAV2WidData - Exporting v2 widget data or not. pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised. reportTitle - Title for the report. reportSubTitle - SubTitle for the report. userLocale - The locale of the user. expand - Whether it is expanded or not. pdfSnapAssID - The snapShot association ID for the widget. value - To determine the drilldown. url - Url of the requet. mail - To check if mail option is added in widget. csv - To check if csv option is added in widget. exportFWAMail - Whether to export the mail or not. fromEmailid - Sender email ID toEmailid - Receiver email ID emailSubject - Subject for the email message - message for the email ifCrit - Interface Criteria pGroup - Protocol Group ATTACK - Attack parameters. clientType - Type of the client bwUsageType - Bandwidth Usage Type. eventType - Type of the event. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getCompleteData?reportParams=%7B%22RBBNAME%22%3A%22Top+Protocols+for+Sent+Protocol+Group%22%2C%22rid%22%3A%22all%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22Unassigned%22%2C%22applyTimeCriteria%22%3A%22true%22%2C%22resolvedns%22%3Afalse%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%7D&_search=false&nd=1547044166668&rows=50&page=1&sortByColumn=Starton&sortByType=desc&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDrilldownReportList | GET | To get the drill down details for the reports. | url - url for the drill down. pGroup - protocol group clientType - Type of the client bwUsageType - Bandwidth usage type. eventType - Type of the event. reportParams - The parameters to be added to generate the drill down report. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getDrilldownReportList?pGroup=FTP&reportParams=%7B%22linkingRBBG%22%3A30%2C%22value%22%3A%22172.16.2.119%22%2C%22reportId%22%3A%2265%22%2C%22timeFrame%22%3A%22today%22%7D&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getReportList | GET | To get the report list. | reportGroup - Report Group. rid - Resource ID. reportName - Name of the report. reportId - Id for the report. rtab - Raw tab or not. rowCount - Number of rows to be displayed. timeFrame - Time frame that has been selected. startDate - Starting date from which the data is shown. endDate - Ending date upto which the data is shown. isRptTab - Whether it is report tab or not. resolvedns - Whether resolve dns is enabled or not. wrapperType - Type of the wrapper. applyTimeCriteria - Whether the time criteria is applied or not. title1 - Type of the tab like device/cloud etc. value1 - Name of the device/cloud etc. title2 - Type of the interface/rule etc. value2 - Name of the interface/rule etc. exportFWAV2WidData - Exporting v2 widget data or not. pdfReqFrom - From where the req has been raised. reportTitle - Title for the report. userLocale - The locale of the user. type - Type of the report. _search - Whether the report is based on search or not. nd - rows - Total number of rows. page - Total number of pages. sortByColumn - The column name based on which sorting is done. sortByType - Whether the sorting is done in ascending order or descending order. headerText1 - Type of the device/report etc. headerText2 - Type of the device/report/widget etc. headerVal1 - Value of the device/report etc. headerVal2 - Value of the device/report/widget etc. value - Value of the parameters for the drilldown report. layout - Layout for the report series - Series of the reports exportFWAMail - Whether mail is to be sent or not. fromEmailid - Sender Email address toEmailid - Receiver Email address emailSubject - Subject of the email message - Message in the email |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareport/getReportList?reportGroup=65&rid=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getFWAScheduleList | GET | To get the configured list of schedules. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getFWAScheduleList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getFilterList | GET | To get the list of filters already added. | userId - User ID | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getFilterList?userId=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getProtoList** | GET | To get the list of protocols. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getProtoList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getFilterDetails | GET | To get the filter details | filterName - Name of the filter | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getFilterDetails?filterName=asd&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getAllReportList | GET | To get all reports list configured. | frmRptType - is the page report type or not(true|false) | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwareporttab/getAllReportList?frmRptType=true&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getOverviewDetails | GET | To get Policy overview report names and selected device policy details and able to search across the reports | DEVICEID - Firewall ID policyID - policy id's rbbName - rbbname _search - boolean nd - long rows - long page - long sortByColumn - only alphabets sortByType - only alphabets filters - json object |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getpolicyOverview?DEVICEID=2&policyID=2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58&rbbName=Total+Rules&_search=true&nd=1557391515909&rows=20&page=1&sortByColumn=Starton&sortByType=desc&filters={"groupOp":"AND","rules":[{"field":"policyname","op":"bw","data":"dmz"}]}&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getpolicyOverview | GET | To get Policy data | DEVICEID - Firewall ID policyID - Policy ID (Comma separated number for cisco) rbbName - Selected statictic report name |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getpolicyOverview?DEVICEID=601&policyID=320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327&rbbName=Total%20Rules&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getPolicyOptimization | GET | To get policy optimization data for selected device | DEVICEID - Firewall ID anomalyType - Selected anomaly type |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getPolicyOptimization?DEVICEID=601&anomalyType=all&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDeviceUnusedDetails | GET | To get Rule cleanup tab details and selected device unused rule data. |
DEVICEID - Firewall ID
startDate - From date
endDate - To date
repId - Report id
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getDeviceUnusedDetails?DEVICEID=601&startDate=2019-01-23%2008:52&endDate=2019-01-23%2009:52&repId=1802&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
changeWidgetView | POST | To show selected standard reports in UI |
rID - Firewall ID
reportID - Report ID
displayName - Firewall display Name
deviceType - Firewall vendor
resourceName - Firewall Name
selectedWidgets - Selected standard reports name separated by comma(ex:SANS, NIST, ISO, PCI DSS, NERC-CIP)
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/changeWidgetView?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getComplianceDashboard | GET | To get standards page details and selected device data | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getComplianceDashboard?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getDeviceChanges | GET | To get Change Management Report data |
DEVICEID - Firewall ID
DateRange - Custom date range enabled or disabled value
timeFrame - Predefined time range
startDate - Start date of custom range
endDate - End date of custom range
applyTimeCriteria*** - Time criteria identifier
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getDeviceChanges?DEVICEID=301&DateRange=true&startDate=2019-01-20%2000:00&endDate=2019-01-23%2005:54&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getChangeMgmtSchDetail | GET | To get change management schedule details. | rID - Firewall ID |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getChangeMgmtSchDetail?rID=601&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getChangeMgmtNotiDetail | GET | To get change management notification details. | rID - Firewall ID | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getChangeMgmtNotiDetail?rID=601&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getDDIDResourcesInfo | GET | To get Firewall list and mark first device which configured in Device rule | listType - Type to get data for selected device (ruleDeviceList) | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/getDDIDResourcesInfo?listType=ruleDeviceList&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getSearchTabList | get | to get search criteria | sMode - Search type selectedDevices - Selected devices list criteria - Search criterias matchStatus - match condition (or & and) |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasearch/getSearchTabList?sMode=agg&selectedDevices= |
getIndexInfo | get | To get Raw settings configuration details | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getIndexInfo?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getIndexInfo | get | To update Raw settings configuration details | mode - save rawSearch - enabled or disabled indexAll- index traffic & security logs (true or false) indexSecurity - index security logs only (true or false) |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getIndexInfo?mode=save&rawSearch=enabled&indexAll=true&indexSecurity=false&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getRawColList | get | To get Raw search result columns based on search option | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasearch/getRawColList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getRawData | get | To get Raw serach result | selectedDevices - Selected firewall/proxy devices with comma separator criteria - Search criteria matchStatus- match condition (or & and) type - Result type (formatted or raw) completeData - Default row count identifier (always true) reportParams - Time criteria and index details logFormat - Used to get result columns based on serach type (s or u or proxy) dataType - Serach type identifier log - Serach criteria for Database update sLogType - Serach log option number with comma separated (1 for selected option and 0 for non-selected) _search - client generated value (always false) nd - number rows - row count page - Page number sidx - Sort index (empty value) sord - Sort type (asc) |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasearch/getRawData?selectedDevices=FGT1000R&criteria=[{"key":"Protocol","operator":"isn't","value":"null"},{"key":"Source","operator":"starts+with","value":"192.168"}]&matchStatus=AND&type=formatted&completeData=true&reportParams={"applyTimeCriteria":"true","startDate":"2019-01-22+01:00","endDate":"2019-01-22+15:59","partialCountDetails":"335_-2","startIndex":"0","totalPoint":"0_0_0","endPoint":"2147483647_0","basicCount":"335","basicDocIdArr":"6707_6502","storedPoint":"-1_-1","endIndex":"0","startPoint":"2147483647_0"}&logFormat=s&dataType=raw&log=&sLogType=1,1,1,1,1&_search=false&nd=1548153010968&rows=500&page=1&sidx=&sord=asc&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getSyslogServerTableData | GET | To view the list of syslog servers that have been configured | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getSyslogServerTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getLivePacketCount | GET | To get the number of packets of data received through the syslogs configured. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getLivePacketCount?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getFWAResourceDetails | GET | To get the resources of type cisco or netscreen. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getFWAResourceDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getFWAAvailabilityAlert | GET | To get the list of availability alerts already configured. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getFWAAvailabilityAlert?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getFWDeviceDetails | GET | To get the device details such as Unsupported logs received, supported logs received, schedules executed. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getFWDeviceDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getUnparsedLogsSummary | GET | To get the list of unparsed records. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getUnparsedLogsSummary?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getScheduleExecutionSummary | GET | To get the list of schedules that have been executed | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getScheduleExecutionSummary?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getArchiveSettingsTableData | GET | To get the list of files that have been archived. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getArchiveSettingsTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getArchiveSettingDBValues | POST | To get and edit the archive setting values. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getArchiveSettingDBValues?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getResourcesTableInfo** | GET | To get the list of devices added in the fwanalyzer | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getResourcesTableInfo?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
configureDefaultReports | POST | To configure the default reports to be listed for the firewalls | resId - Resource ID.(eg : 1) selectedReports - The reports that are selected for the device.(comma seperated values).(61,62,63,64,65) |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/configureDefaultReports?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getDeviceGroup | GET | To get the device groups that have been configured. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/v2/fwadashboard/getDeviceGroup?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getResourcesList | GET | To get the resources list. | cid - collector id | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaenterprise/getResourcesList?selColId=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getDataStorageConfigData | GET | To get the configured data storage for database and archive. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getDataStorageConfigData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getFWAInventoryDeviceList | GET | To get the list of devices added in the fwanalyzer | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwainventory/getFWAInventoryDeviceList?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getArchiveSettingDBValues | GET | To get the archive setting values currently configured. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getArchiveSettingDBValues?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
removeLearnings | POST | To remove the device when deletion operation is performed. | resourcesList - List of resources removed.(eg : | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/removeLearnings?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getProtocolGroupsTableData | GET | To get the protocol group data | pgName - Name of the page. | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getProtocolGroupsTableData?pgName=All&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getWorkingHourData | GET | To get the configured working hour data. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getWorkingHourData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getManualDnsMappingData | GET | To get the configured Dns mapping data. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getManualDnsMappingData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDnsResolveConfigData | GET | To get the configured resolve config data. | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getDnsResolveConfigData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getIntranetTableData** | GET | To get the data in intranet settings and exclude hosts. | selectedtab - The tab that is selected(intranet/exclude hosts) | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getIntranetTableData?selectedtab=Intranet&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDeviceIntranetSettings** | GET | To get the intranet settings for the device | selectedTab - The tab that is selected(intranet/exclude hosts) devName - Name of the device. devId - Id of the device |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getDeviceIntranetSettings?devId=-1&selectedTab=Intranet&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getResourcesTableInfo** | GET | To get the list of devices added in the fwanalyzer | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getResourcesTableInfo?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
handleCloudRepositoryChanges | GET | To get the changes that are done in the repository | action - The action that is performed(add) serName - Name of the service cat - The catefory of the service. startip - Start ip of the service endip - End ip of the service ServiceId - Id of the service. oldSerId - Old Id of the service(when edit). |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/cloudcontrol/handleCloudRepositoryChanges?action=add&serName=uy&cat=Image+Editing&startip= |
getCloudCategoryListDetails | GET | To get the category list of the repository | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/cloudcontrol/getCloudCategoryListDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getCloudControlRepositoryTableData | GET | To get the table data in the repository | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/cloudcontrol/getCloudControlRepositoryTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getIntranetTableData** | GET | To get the data in intranet settings and exclude hosts. | selectedtab - The tab that is selected(intranet/exclude hosts) | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getIntranetTableData?selectedtab=ExcludeHost&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getResourcesTableInfo** | GET | To get the list of devices added in the fwanalyzer | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaglobal/getResourcesTableInfo?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getDeviceIntranetSettings** | GET | To get the intranet settings for the device | selectedTab - The tab that is selected(intranet/exclude hosts) devName - Name of the device. devId - Id of the device |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getDeviceIntranetSettings?devId=-1&selectedTab=ExcludeHost&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getIPToUserMappingDetails | GET | To get the currently configured user name and ip mapping details | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getIPToUserMappingDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getUserIPLookupServersMappings | GET | For getting the mapping between server and user. | configType - Type of the configuration. server - Type of the server. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getUserIPLookupServersMappings?configType=manual&server=zxczxc&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getADToResourceMapping | GET | To get the resources mapped with the selected AD. | ADServerName - Name of the ad server | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getADToResourceMapping?ADServerName=adap-dc2&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
listExcludeCriteria | GET | To get added exclude criteria list | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/listExcludeCriteria?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getCheckPointTableData | GET | To get added Checkpoint firewall details | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getCheckPointTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getImportedLogTableData | GET | To get Imported log file details | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getImportedLogTableData?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getLocalImportOptions** | GET | To get Local import options | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwasettings/getLocalImportOptions?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
listDC | GET | To get added device rule details | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/listDC?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
listVDOM | GET | To get vdom firewall details of a device rule | ddid - Device rule id | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/listVDOM?ddid=1&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
listDIP | GET | To get credential profiles list | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/listDIP?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
dipPrerender | GET | To get device rule supported device list | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwacompliance/dipPrerender?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
getAlarmTabs | GET | To get the alarmprofile configured | timeFrame - Time Range for the alarms. DateRange - Whether date is configured or not. |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/fwaalarms/getAlarmTabs?timeFrame=LastDay&DateRange=false&apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
viewAlarmProfileDetails | GET | To view the alarms generated for a particular profile | alarmID - Id of the alarm profile. alarmType - Type of the alarm profile(alert/anomaly/bandwidth) alarmName - Name of the alarm profile. page - Page number rows - Number of Rows to be displayed. sortByColumn - Based on which column the sorting is to be done. sortByType - Type of sort(asc/desc) pdfReqFrom - Where the req is from for generating pdf(used in phantom) exportFWAV2WidData - Whether the export is selected or not(used in phantom). header - Header for the report. title1 - Title 1 for the report. value1 - Value for the title1. title2 - Title 2 for the report. value2 - Value for the title 2 |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/ fwaalarms/viewAlarmProfileDetails?alarmID=301&alarmType=Alert&alarmName=testalertnormal&rows=50&page=1&sortByColumn=Starton&sortByType=desc&apiKey= ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
REST API | Method | Description | Parameters | Sample URL |
listSnmpDevices | GET | List the snmp configured devices | NIL | http://localhost:8060/api/json/v2/livetraffic/listSnmpDevices?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |
getSnmpDetails | GET | To get the SNMP details configured | resId - resourceID action - action performed(edit) |
http://localhost:8060/api/json/v2/livetraffic/getSnmpDetails?apiKey=ecf7691a575255636e2c28bba73ae213 |